Don’t Know How to Play the Game? Ask a Life Coach

This sign was recently spotted outside a coffee shop:

“Life is like a game of chess… I don’t know how to play chess!”


Do you ever feel that way? Like life is a game but one that you just can’t seem to figure out how to play? Why isn’t there a rulebook, a list of instructions? HELP!

The bad news: there is no rulebook. The good news: there are people who can help you figure out how to play the game, and even help you create your own list of rules and instructions.

Those people are called Life Coaches. And they’re here to help.

Research shows that when people engage the help of an accountability partner or a life coach, they are at least 65% more likely to achieve their goal. Those with a life coach are also said to have improved feelings of self-efficacy, hope, well-being, and quality of life. This can also lead to a reduction in anxiety and depression.

Here are some areas where a life coach can help you learn how to win at the real game of life:

Gain confidence: Do you have a job interview coming up? Are you heading out on a blind date? A healthy dose of confidence could be the difference between landing the job or snagging a second date.

Find a partner: Determining what you want in a life partner, business partner, even a roommate, can lead to a more focused effort to identify these qualities in yourself and/or someone else.

Start a business: Identifying your passion, skills, experiences and channeling them into a viable way to earn a living is not only possibly, it is incredibly rewarding.

Determine a career path: Are you simply going to work, doing what you’ve always done, or showing up at a job that does not fulfill you or bring your joy? A life coach can help you discover and unlock your potential.

Discover your purpose: What brings you joy? Who can you help today? These questions, along with the one-on-one guidance a coach can provide, could lead you to a life of greater fulfillment.

Reach a health goal: Running a marathon, losing weight, gaining strength, recuperating after a health scare or illness are all worthy goals that can be more easily attained with the support and assistance of a life coach.

Heal after a divorce or breakup: Broken relationships happen and they can leave us feeling broken ourselves. A life coach can help you heal after a relationship loss and even put you back on a path to finding yourself and, if it’s important to you, a potential life partner.

Overcome grief or loss: It is impossible to be human without experiencing grief or loss. It comes to us all. Walking through that grief can be lonely. But it doesn’t have to be. A listening ear, a fresh perspective, an inspired invitation to join the world again could make the difference between darkness and emerging back into the light.

Write your life story: Perhaps your life has been filled with unbelievable, inspiring experiences. Or maybe it’s been one of quiet contributions and simple moments. Either way, each life is worthwhile and important. One of the greatest treasures we can leave behind for those we love is our personal history. A life coach can help you move those stories from your mind to the page. In doing so, you could leave a legacy for your loved ones or you could gain valuable insight into your heart.

Slow down and identify what’s most important to you: We live in a fast-paced, demanding world that can be noisy and disorienting. Sometimes finding purpose and joy comes only after we eliminate the things that are keeping us too busy to focus on the important things. A life coach can help you determine what brings you true happiness and then slow down enough to savor that happiness.

A life coach may be just what you need to help you achieve these goals. To find a life coach that will be the best fit for you, click here.

And good luck. You’re a winner. You’ve got this!

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